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Who is Jacob Hoang?

Hi, I’m Jacob. I am a Product Designer based in Toronto, Canada. Originally with a background in Industrial Design, I transitioned into the world of digital products. Although the end results for the 2 disciplines are different, I enjoy that the design process is very much the same; from making design decisions that are valuable to business, ensuring that design solutions are feasible, and empathizing with the end user’s pain point, the design process is parallel. From my 4 years studying design at OCAD University, to working for companies to design pixel-perfect B2B SaaS product experiences and internal tools, there are 2 realizations that I had:

1. Having the mindset that the digital product is only one moment of a greater experience/ workflow for the end user
As much as I love the end outcome of a design, I realize that I love the process that goes into final design even more and constantly reflecting on it

As I continue my design career, I aspire to bridge the gap between physical and digital experiences to create holistic human-centered design solutions.


Outside of design, I love to be competitive by playing basketball, working out, swimming or beating my friends in ping pong, but if my creative juices are still flowing, you can see me drawing and creating animations on my iPad or tinkering with my 3D printer.

BasketballWorking outDrawing on an IpadPing pongSwimming3D printing

Contact Me

I am open to discussing new projects or job opportunities that fit with your requirements. You can fill out the contact form or message me directly with my email or with my social media accounts.

Phone Number: (647) 966 - 5008
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